Sometimes It Is More Than Just Good Food

This blog post is about a personal story of helping others during the holiday season.

Of all the holidays Thanksgiving is by far my favorite. I enjoy having the opportunity to spend time with family and friends over a well prepared meal, eating all my favorite foods, and washing it all down with hours and hours of football.  

With an unlimited amount of time and imagination I don’t think I could find a more enjoyable way to spend a day. 

Growing up in rural Pennsylvania, I used to spend part of every Holiday season volunteering for food drives.  The weather was invariable some variation of cold to bitter freezing to mind-numbingly cold, but somehow sunny.  I would wear layers upon layers of clothing until the simple act of lifting my arm and knocking on a door became something approaching impossible.  Bundled like a human clothes rack and paired with another kid, we traipsed from house to house knocking on doors collecting canned and dry food goods for those in need.  Other than the cold, the two things I remember most vividly were the excitement I felt as my collection bag filled and regardless of the neighborhood, the cost of the houses, or any other socio-economic factors at play, everyone seemed to have a can of pork and beans stashed in the pantry waiting for donation day.  These childhood experiences continue to shape my view of the world.  They taught me that people are inherently generous and when given the opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way they invariable do.  I also witnessed firsthand the difference this generosity of spirt made in the lives of those who were financially less fortunate than I was.  

As an adult I’m proud to work for an organization that shares these values.

During the last couple of weeks, we collected 3,973 items for eight different organizations to help those in need in the US and Canada. Our donation weighed 1,406 pounds which equates to 937 meals. It is inspiring to see what we accomplished as one company. Although I didn’t have to put on every article of clothing I own or walk from door to door collecting donations this year, the feeling remains the same as when I was young. Some of the best traditions of the holiday season are about making a positive difference in the lives of those in our communities. 

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